Station Isn't Recognized. Not on List. ETC
(2022-07-27, 18:46)Vladimir Wrote: Hello, please could I be upgraded to participant status also, and combined two profiles?
User's numbers: 2351 and 2349
User's names: Vladimir and VladimirZ
Stations: 2891 and 2890
Region: Europe (Saint-Petersburg and Demyansk)
Thank you!
Do not have a forum user 'VladimirZ' to merge.

For station assignments
On the BLITZORTUNG owner's pages:
For the station list, follow this to delete and reassign one of the stations to the chosen userID
WHICHEVER station assignment you wish to remove:
example, station 2891, user 2351. 
Login as your 2351 credentials, delete the station 2891.
Login as 2349 credentials, ADD station 2891.
Both should now be accessible with 2349 credentials, and list as owner 2349.

This SHOULD, but may not follow into the database, but the computing servers BT will update at some point.


Stations: 689, 791, 1439, 3020

Messages In This Thread
Station not on List - by dbromwich - 2019-01-23, 12:12
RE: Station not on List - by Egon - 2019-01-23, 15:20
Not on List. ETC - by geofabryka - 2019-07-21, 06:26
RE: Station Isn't Recognized. Not on List. ETC - by cutty - 2022-07-29, 22:58

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