Lighning - a panic dog
Hi All of you and greetings from Austria.

I'm using a Home Automatization System Homematic from ELV together with ioBroker. My dog is superscared on Thunderstorms, especially on lighnings, she will go to superpanic level. 
My plan is to close the blinds (Rollläden) automatically as soon as a thunderstorm approaches.  It is then dark and she is then no longer afraid and in panic mode because she cannot see the lightning.
I have tried a lightning sensor on ESP basis with the Franklin sensor, but unfortunately failed, I can not get it to work, I guess my soldering skills are too bad Wink
My question now, is it possible to access the real time data in a certain radius directly to have the blinds close automatically with eg. ioBroker? I mean, instead of seeing the web page and the Lightning events zoomed to the area on screen just the data of the Lightning events in that area.

Thanke & DANKE für some hints!

Have a great evening, Andreas

Messages In This Thread
Lighning - a panic dog - by Blubbel - 2021-05-27, 15:13
RE: Lighning - a panic dog - by Blubbel - 2021-06-06, 04:57
RE: Lighning - a panic dog - by cutty - 2021-06-06, 11:26
RE: Lighning - a panic dog - by Blubbel - 2021-06-09, 09:20

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