Bolts not seen on live map
Pretty much question to Cutty or Egon. If i recall correctly our systems can detect polarity of lightning and IC lightning.
Any plans of implementing it on the live map?
Stations: 1145

Messages In This Thread
Bolts not seen on live map - by Zonker - 2021-06-21, 21:07
RE: Bolts not seen on live map - by cutty - 2021-06-21, 21:59
RE: Bolts not seen on live map - by Zonker - 2021-06-22, 15:51
RE: Bolts not seen on live map - by frode dahl - 2021-07-01, 09:49
RE: Bolts not seen on live map - by sonalford - 2021-07-14, 08:18
RE: Bolts not seen on live map - by Innerbeg - 2021-07-24, 16:05
RE: Bolts not seen on live map - by mwaters - 2021-08-02, 00:19

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