Turn-key System Red For Sale - H-Field and E-Field - SOLD
The system has been SOLD.

Price reduced to $400.00 USD, plus shipping

Hello, all,

Due to downsizing, I have recently decommissioned my System Red station and am offering it for sale.

The system includes:

- System Red main controller board with STM32F4 Discovery Board and LCD
- The LCD gives full display and control of operating conditions, unlike System Blue.
- Controller board mounted in heavy-duty enclosure with transparent lid and two externally-mounted control buttons
- An AS3935 board installed in main controller enclosure for integrated independent detection of local lightning strikes
- A new spare STM32F4 Discovery Board
- A remote GPS antenna with SMA connector (an onboard GPS antenna is also on the main board).
- An H-field amplifier in a heavy-duty enclosure with transparent top.
- The H-field amplifier Includes a stereo line-level jack for audio monitoring lightning signals after amp processing.
- The H-field amplifier connects to the main controller via a shielded Ethernet cable, included.
- Two H-field ferrite antenna rods (of my own design - see https://www.wxforum.net/index.php?topic=19914.0).
- Ferrite antennas are mounted at right angles in a PVC shielded enclosure.
- The enclosure has proper slits in the shielding to eliminate near-field interference.
- The ferrite rods are padded in the enclosure for shock resistance.
- Two spare ferrite antenna rods are included.
- An E-field antenna and preamp board in a weatherproof radome enclosure are included.
- The E-field main amplifier and control board is also included. No enclosure.
- The E-field pre-amp connects to the main amplifier with a 75 ohm TV-style coaxial cable with "F" connectors (not included).
- The E-field amplifier and control board connects to the main controller with a shielded Ethernet cable (included).
- A 5 volt power supply to power the entire system is included.
- All original construction manuals and documentation included.

See a PDF with detailed images at: https://projectmf.net/Blitzortung_Station.pdf (large file!)

Also YouTube video for an overview of an identical system, built for another:


This station operated as #681 on the Blitzortung network for years. It was consistently one of the best-performing stations in the US.

All circuit boards are professional soldered and assembled by me, an electrical engineer and ham operator for 40 years. See images.

Asking $550.00 plus shipping for all, tested and working.

Note: The system will be restored to factory default before shipping I will snapshot the operating parameters from the Web interface, if desired.

Contact: dfroula@sbcglobal.net if interested. I prefer US sales, due to international shipping uncertainties.


Don Froula

[Image: IMG_6660_web.jpg]
Dear Donald Froula,

I hope this finds you well.

I'm interested in having one more lightning detector in the Azores, in order to achive 4 detection points in the Archipelago. I belong to a regional project named Anticiclone dos Açores, and we are a non-profit informal organization. Our main goal is to freely deliver information to people feel safer.

So, I just ask you to contact me if you were available to discuss other prices, in case there is no buyer at $550.

Thank you so much.

Best Regards,
Anticiclone dos Açores
Price reduced to $400.00 USD plus shipping.


Don Froula

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