When will PCB22 schematics be available online ?
Since directory (remove blanks)

h t t p s : / / w w w . b l i t z o r t u n g . o r g / C o m p e n d i u m / H a r d w a r e / P C B _ 2 2 / 

is curently empty.

Directory was created on 14th of November 2023.

Please give some feedback about it.
(2023-11-26, 18:42)meteodelta Wrote: Since directory
is curently empty.

Directory was created on 14th of November 2023.

Please give some feedback about it.

I am guessing it is the new one that is currently being worked on and developed. It's just going through some testing at the moment.
Station 2828 - LM or BT
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