Unassembled kit pics

I am a young electrical engineer and scientist in Tampa FL(USA) and I am eager to get started with a contribution to the project with a station here at my house. Please Tell me how much to send and where to for the basic kit. I have the auto generated email sent to me but I am unsure of shipping. I have prototyping experience and can help with the programming effort for the group. I have already begun construction of the antennas as per the PDF. Please PM me.

Joe Register

Messages In This Thread
Unassembled kit pics - by Donald.Froula - 2014-03-04, 17:38
RE: Unassembled kit pics - by Egon - 2014-03-16, 20:06
RE: Unassembled kit pics - by jjregist - 2014-04-07, 20:42
RE: Unassembled kit pics - by Donald.Froula - 2014-04-09, 00:48
RE: Unassembled kit pics - by Vad - 2014-04-18, 15:50
RE: Unassembled kit pics - by Remy Brandt - 2014-05-21, 16:51
RE: Unassembled kit pics - by RichoAnd - 2014-05-21, 19:45
RE: Unassembled kit pics - by preape - 2014-06-17, 13:29

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