Antarctic station
For outside use I suggest E-Field Antenna (easy to isolate) and an extra resistor as heater (100 ohm direct on coax terminals, only 0,2W??? ) - maybe resistor heater via extra wires ?
- PVC tube inside plastic foam tube
H-Field (loop/ferrit) can be placed inside, or outside in a thermobox - 5 volt heating resistor

Stations: 584, 585, 2017

Messages In This Thread
Antarctic station - by alexandicity - 2014-06-23, 16:09
RE: Antarctic station - by Knickohr - 2014-06-23, 16:33
RE: Antarctic station - by alexandicity - 2014-06-23, 16:37
RE: Antarctic station - by Jonathan.Williams - 2014-06-23, 16:54
RE: Antarctic station - by Knickohr - 2014-06-23, 17:46
RE: Antarctic station - by Tobi - 2014-06-23, 19:27
RE: Antarctic station - by Ross.Wheeler - 2014-06-23, 21:13
RE: Antarctic station - by RichoAnd - 2014-06-23, 21:36
RE: Antarctic station - by HamelGre - 2014-06-24, 12:50
RE: Antarctic station - by Michael.James - 2014-06-24, 19:33
RE: Antarctic station - by RichoAnd - 2014-06-24, 19:45
RE: Antarctic station - by W3DRM - 2014-06-25, 00:07
RE: Antarctic station - by Knickohr - 2015-05-15, 16:15
RE: Antarctic station - by HamelGre - 2015-05-16, 02:07

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