First Station in Philippines
(2014-08-12, 02:14)Michael.Sanders Wrote: Ricky,

Be good to have a few more stations around this area. I am a little lonesome here by myself in Bangkok, but I still locate a couple of long distance strokes over Indonesia and Australia every day. Just last night I got 4 bolts located just to the south of the Philippines, in conjunction with my colleagues in Australia. There's no shortage of lightning around the SE Asia area; it's very active around the Malaysia, Borneo and Sulawesi areas at the moment, we just need a few more stations here to harvest the data.

Hi Michael and Ricky,
I'm in the final stages of assembling a kit in Singapore, if you get one running in the Philippines then there will be four in the region (including Michael in Bangkok and a station that apparently exists in Cambodia) and we'll be able to register strike locations.

I second Michael's opinion that there is no shortage of lightning around this area. I look forward to contributing to the project.


Messages In This Thread
First Station in Philippines - by RPH - 2014-08-11, 17:34
RE: First Station in Philippines - by cutty - 2014-08-11, 20:39
RE: First Station in Philippines - by pmorrison - 2014-11-24, 06:40
RE: First Station in Philippines - by wbkkwx - 2018-01-26, 10:02
RE: First Station in Philippines - by wbkkwx - 2018-01-28, 07:42
RE: First Station in Philippines - by wbkkwx - 2018-02-01, 13:39
RE: First Station in Philippines - by wbkkwx - 2018-02-01, 13:52
RE: First Station in Philippines - by wbkkwx - 2018-02-16, 03:20

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