power line interference
Ok, it sounds like it's worth a try. I assume the system has some visual indication of noise so I can move about and attempt to minimize it. At one time I had a receiver (Drake R7) that went down to 30kHz. The noise was horrific (in a residential neighborhood) but I was able to pick out low power aeronautical beacons at VLF with the use of a 300Hz filter. From what I read in the information on this system, narrow filtering is not used in order to avoid distorting the signature of sferics.

I just took a look at Cutty's interference sticky at WxForum. Very nice! Then I will be able to look at what the software can display to see the noise situation...

Messages In This Thread
power line interference - by clif9710 - 2014-08-25, 05:09
RE: power line interference - by cutty - 2014-08-25, 12:43
RE: power line interference - by clif9710 - 2014-08-26, 05:55
RE: power line interference - by cutty - 2014-08-26, 10:20

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