One Antena in Azores is enough ?
If you check out the detected lightning activity over South East Asia which is essentially derived from four s.p.a.r.s.e. stations in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Darwin (if they are all connected), then you'll see there are detected strokes, but no where near as many as what is detected further south in Eastern Australia / NZ where there are more stations.  Singapore and KL are known to be very active lightning locations, but that is not apparent in the data we present.

Since Azores is much closer to nearly all the stations in Europe, than are the four stations mentioned above to each other, then a station in the Azores should be expected to get a better stroke rate.
Stations: 1113

Messages In This Thread
One Antena in Azores is enough ? - by psper - 2016-05-28, 00:45
RE: One Antena in Azores is enough ? - by Michael.Sanders - 2016-05-28, 07:55

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