Euer "Serverproblem"
Ohne das sich jetzt jemand angegriffen fühlt, aber wie ist der aktuelle Status bzgl. der bestehenden Serverprobleme ??
Derzeit sind die Stationen in Deutschland in Bezug auf die Tracking-Rate sehr, sehr schlecht.
Inzwischen ist der Hinweis auf die Serverprobleme jedoch auf der Blitzortungsseite "" verschwunden ???

Without anyone feeling attacked now, but what is the current status of the existing server problems?
Currently, the stations in Germany are very, very bad in terms of tracking rate.
Meanwhile, however, the reference to the server problems on the lightning location page "" has disappeared ???

Stations: 2058

Messages In This Thread
Euer "Serverproblem" - by Hoelters - 2018-11-01, 10:56
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by DelandeC - 2018-11-01, 14:48
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by Hoelters - 2018-11-07, 09:40
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by cutty - 2018-11-07, 14:36
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by KraftDie - 2018-11-09, 08:09
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by cutty - 2018-11-09, 15:32
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by KraftDie - 2018-11-20, 19:44
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by mwaters - 2018-11-20, 23:20
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by vk2him - 2018-11-21, 04:11
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by KraftDie - 2018-11-21, 04:49
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by mwaters - 2018-11-20, 23:02
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by Hoelters - 2018-11-20, 22:05
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by Hoelters - 2018-11-24, 16:58
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by cutty - 2018-11-24, 17:15
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by Hoelters - 2018-11-24, 17:55
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by KraftDie - 2018-12-01, 18:34
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by Hoelters - 2018-12-04, 15:26
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by Knychall - 2018-12-11, 07:08
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by Tobi - 2018-12-11, 19:12
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by Hoelters - 2018-12-15, 16:14
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by Tobi - 2018-12-16, 15:13
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by Hoelters - 2018-12-16, 17:49
RE: Euer "Serverproblem" - by Hoelters - 2018-12-16, 22:11

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