(2017-04-24, 20:14)waysta Wrote: Thinking about antennas, before I have the system:
How far away from the top power line (residential street HV to the pole transformer) do I need to be? How much 60 Hz rejection does the Blue system have?
Short answer,... 100 miles if possible.
Generally pretty immune... unless there are issues with Power transformers, arcing insulators, bad grounds,...
now, multiples of line freq can irritate somewhat... my systems are within 100 feet of power line... but
my noise comes from neighbors, and stuff in my own house.
it's street lights, dimmers, arcing motors, items that generate a lot of near-field magnetic that cause the issues...
the E field isn't bothered by a lot of that...
No one can tell you ... that's part of the 'fun of discovery'....

and the thrill of finding the best locations...
you might find this thread of interest... enjoy