Station blue not visibile on local server ID

I make a short post to explain what happened to me recently. I bought a second hand station with programmed network parameters which were not suited to my network.  The consequence qas a steadily blinking network LED. I was not able to understand the underlying problem... because you need access to the embedded html server of the blue system in order to make a nice and easy diagnostic.
I then had a look at the forum and I could not find any hints, I then started on my own trying things. I resolved the problem (on linux but on windows it would be the same) by connecting a Serial to USB adaptator, see pic below. 


I then tried with the moserial software to understand the message delivered by the blue system, to this end I had to adapt the communication speed between my computer and the blue system (config file for the moserial software is also attached to this post). I used a FT232 adapter from waveshare configured in 3.3 V.

The config file for the moserial is also reminded below:


.txt   Moserial_Blitzortung_Blue_System_Settings.txt (Size: 355 bytes / Downloads: 4)

I could then read the message provided by the blue system during the initialization phase (after reseting the system), see an exemplary copy of it:
2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 | === Network static config is: ===

2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 | IP:
2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 | Netmask:
2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 | Gateway:
2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 | DNS:
2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 | DHCP:    off
2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 | MAC:      xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 | MTU:      1480
2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 |
2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 | EVENT: Network is UP

This message showed me clearly that the system was looking for the wrong local network address, I had to change my local network address in order to fulfill the requirement of the blue system. Using this approach I could connect to my Blitzortung box though the router and reconfigure it properly. I switched on the DHCP and then I could manage having everything working.

It is not very complex but you should trust in your competence and try to perform wild debugging.

I hope that this contribution couöd help people in the future.

Is your station now sending lightning signals to the server? If so, welcome to the network! Smile

You should request to be added to the participant list at
Mike W.
Stations: 1977, 2294
(2021-05-16, 19:44)mwaters Wrote: Is your station now sending lightning signals to the server? If so, welcome to the network! Smile

You should request to be added to the participant list at

Not sending any signal presently. I faced this problem whilst I was at my parent's house in Brittany and I had to brought my system back to Germany to perform the investigations.  As Brittany is not as well covered as Germany, I populate this region in a very near future sending the system back to my parent's house.
Okay, we're looking forward to seeing your station soon. Once you are a participant, you will have full access to this forum, and tell us about it in the Introduce Yourself section. Smile
Mike W.
Stations: 1977, 2294
Elektrofeldmeter, well done indeed at how you found and fixed the IP Address issue.

Not to minimize your efforts, but if you posted that you bought a controller from someone else and cant get into the system, I could have PM'd you how to factory reset it. This will wipe out the previous username/password, set the default IP address and turn DHCP on, etc.

Enjoy your new controller and let us know when you are sending signals so we can promote you to participant.

[Image: NOAARADlogoTXT80.png]

Stations: 2100, 2954
I see that Elektrofeldmeter translates to Electric field meter. Sounds like there might be an interesting story behind that?  Shy
Mike W.
Stations: 1977, 2294
(2021-05-16, 19:06)Elektrofeldmeter Wrote: Hi,

I make a short post to explain what happened to me recently. I bought a second hand station with programmed network parameters which were not suited to my network.  The consequence qas a steadily blinking network LED. I was not able to understand the underlying problem... because you need access to the embedded html server of the blue system in order to make a nice and easy diagnostic.
I then had a look at the forum and I could not find any hints, I then started on my own trying things. I resolved the problem (on linux but on windows it would be the same) by connecting a Serial to USB adaptator, see pic below. 


I then tried with the moserial software to understand the message delivered by the blue system, to this end I had to adapt the communication speed between my computer and the blue system (config file for the moserial software is also attached to this post). I used a FT232 adapter from waveshare configured in 3.3 V.

The config file for the moserial is also reminded below:


.txt   Moserial_Blitzortung_Blue_System_Settings.txt (Size: 355 bytes / Downloads: 2)

I could then read the message provided by the blue system during the initialization phase (after reseting the system), see an exemplary copy of it:
2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 | === Network static config is: ===

2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 | IP:
2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 | Netmask:
2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 | Gateway:
2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 | DNS:
2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 | DHCP:    off
2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 | MAC:      xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 | MTU:      1480
2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 |
2013-01-01 00:20:06 1050.2 | EVENT: Network is UP

This message showed me clearly that the system was looking for the wrong local network address, I had to change my local network address in order to fulfill the requirement of the blue system. Using this approach I could connect to my Blitzortung box though the router and reconfigure it properly. I switched on the DHCP and then I could manage having everything working.

It is not very complex but you should trust in your competence and try to perform wild debugging.

I hope that this contribution could help people in the future.


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