More system blue antenna questions
I have read and reread the documentation but the antenna connections are ambiguous.  Could someone please help me with some questions regarding the upcoming system blue.

1. Is it mandatory to have both e-field and h-field antennas? If not mandatory, is it advisable to have both?

2. I note system blue PCB 16.x has 3 sets of connectors for h-field antennas. Most frame/loop antennas I can find plans for only have two loops, so I assume one loop is connected to A-1 and A-2 and the other loop to B-1 and B-2. What are C-1 and C-2 for, another loop?  

3. In the case of a simple loop antenna, what are the GND terminals on PCB 16.x for? Are they left not connected?

4. In the case of a coax cable antenna I assume the central conductors are connected to A-1 and B-1 and the shielding to GND. Is this correct?

(2016-05-18, 19:30)Adrian Hudson Wrote: I have read and reread the documentation but the antenna connections are ambiguous.  Could someone please help me with some questions regarding the upcoming system blue.

1. Is it mandatory to have both e-field and h-field antennas? If not mandatory, is it advisable to have both?

2. I note system blue PCB 16.x has 3 sets of connectors for h-field antennas. Most frame/loop antennas I can find plans for only have two loops, so I assume one loop is connected to A-1 and A-2 and the other loop to B-1 and B-2. What are C-1 and C-2 for, another loop?  

3. In the case of a simple loop antenna, what are the GND terminals on PCB 16.x for? Are they left not connected?

4. In the case of a coax cable antenna I assume the central conductors are connected to A-1 and B-1 and the shielding to GND. Is this correct?


You'll get an E field preamp with the kit. Use it or not. The Probe is nothing more than a short vertical wire.

There are three amps. Each can have it's own loop... 3 loops (120°) in Delta for H field component of Vertically polarized impulses, (standard setup), or two loops of any type at 90° for horizontal component, and C channel with loop mounted to receive H component of Horizontally polarized impulses. C is always for the third antenna. Always.

Ground is system ground.. you could connect ferrite shields here, for example.  The antenna connections have no ground. Both ends connect to the 1,2 terminals. On the efield, do not connect anything to the outside antenna block, it is ground, and that part of the block is more for block strength than any connection. E field operates with capacitance from probe to Earth... ground here can mess up.

Try to stay within framework of suggested antenna types in our documentation... messing with designs could cause signal timing, distortion issues and you signals could be rejected....

Location of antennas is very important....You probably cannot just place them where you 'want' them, or 'think' is best.... low noise, etc... This stuff is not "plug'n'play".... it takes awhile to optimize a system, location, etc in many cases.

Cheers!... and good luck!

Stations: 689, 791, 1439, 3020
Mike, thank you for your comprehensive reply. I'm much clearer about the whole thing now!

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