Problem after updating firmware. blue 8.32b
When I look back, you seem to have been unlucky choosing power supply.
I think a high power switching mode should be tampered with a passive load of at least 10% of the max before it behaves properly
We use a small switch mode power supply (typical 1-2A) designed for small electronics.
To avoid power loss, we use switchmode, but a linear is much better.
I usually use a 6-9V switchmode with a low drop linear afterwards.

I know BLUE could be protected much more, it is also considered (Both static input voltage / wrong polarity / high voltage spikes / RF-protection etc. ) - BUT it costs a lot and occupy space. 

Should it be fool proof, it must be delivered complete including PowerSupply, all antennas and connecting cables and with connectors that can not be confused.
It's an amateur project, but not for first-time soldering.
We try to make it easy and relatively cheap, but we expect reasonable skills in processing electronics. - Sorry if we forgot to tell?


P.S. BLUE use about 0,5A, and a good 1A PS can do the job.
Remote sensing is not necessary if you use a relatively short and thick cable.
IF you use remote sensing, remember that it must be able to fail without the voltage rising too much (1KOhm connection already inside the power supply )
Stations: 584, 585, 2017

Messages In This Thread
RE: Problem after updating firmware. blue 8.32b - by RichoAnd - 2017-09-10, 22:19

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