Should we have a FAQ?
Hi All, This FAQ would not be a random forum.
1. To start it would have limited write access and a separate public discussion forum for debate and new questions.
2. There are many questions that are asked in the forums that are not answered that most beginners have asked and these should have an organised central page.
3. Forum Searches and Wikis imply that you at least know what question to ask. For many newbies, and others, this may not be the case.
4 We are quite a small Network at the present and the forums are growing. They do contain a lot of information, but also a lot of "Cul de Sacs."
  With growing numbers this will only get worse.
5. It Would be Limited to the most common and basic questions with short answers and links to more detail where required. +Don't forget the discussion forum.
6. If we set this up now, it will be easier to set up and maintain than when we have a 100,000 posts and 10,000 topic all over the forum.
7. It should not just be one person, from experience I know. It should be a fairly small group, so that if one person drops out it will continue to function, with an occasional call out for new volunteers so that there can be some rotation of people and ideas.

Mike is right, this is not a job for people that are already doing so much for the network! "We the people" should be able to get this organised!

Just my 2 cents,


Messages In This Thread
Should we have a FAQ? - by pasense - 2017-09-18, 09:13
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by readbueno - 2017-09-18, 10:03
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by mwaters - 2017-09-22, 20:55
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by JupiterJoe - 2017-09-18, 15:12
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by mwaters - 2017-09-18, 16:35
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by Breitling - 2017-09-18, 17:51
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by readbueno - 2017-09-18, 18:49
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by mwaters - 2017-09-18, 20:40
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by mwaters - 2017-09-21, 20:26
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by SiriusGen - 2017-09-21, 22:12
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by mwaters - 2017-09-21, 22:27
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by readbueno - 2017-09-22, 09:32
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by kevinmcc - 2017-09-22, 10:30
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by mwaters - 2017-09-22, 20:34
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by allsorts - 2017-09-22, 23:44
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by readbueno - 2017-09-23, 06:57
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by pasense - 2017-09-26, 16:21
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by mwaters - 2017-09-26, 17:07
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by allsorts - 2017-09-27, 11:11
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by mwaters - 2017-09-27, 13:39
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by JupiterJoe - 2017-09-26, 17:55
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by readbueno - 2017-09-26, 18:38
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by mwaters - 2017-09-26, 21:18
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by Rechard83 - 2017-10-19, 14:15
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by gerbold - 2018-08-22, 16:54
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by Beluga - 2020-01-04, 12:48
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by mwaters - 2020-01-04, 14:54
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by Beluga - 2020-01-07, 12:38
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by dupreezd - 2020-01-07, 22:45
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by mwaters - 2020-01-07, 15:55
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by Beluga - 2020-01-08, 11:12
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by cutty - 2020-01-08, 21:42
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by mwaters - 2020-01-09, 00:34
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by cutty - 2020-01-09, 01:25
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by mwaters - 2020-01-09, 04:30
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by Beluga - 2020-01-10, 11:15
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by Danalberto231 - 2023-08-10, 10:32
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by cutty - 2023-08-10, 12:08
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by allsodeann - 2024-01-09, 15:27
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by vinesweather - 2024-01-09, 18:44
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by Tobi - 2024-01-20, 19:04
RE: Should we have a FAQ? - by astromike - 2024-01-21, 13:32

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