(2015-05-22, 23:39)Geewizard Wrote: I run station 1187. Is it common that my station is not used for very close strikes? I don't see my station used for strikes occurring closer than 200km when viewing http://www.lightningmaps.org/realtime? map.
that's possible.. it may be that you have too much gain, low threshold, and are sending poor data.. If your're aiming at 'distance', the near strikes may be 'distorted'... it's also possible to go into brief interference mode with near cell activity.... Remember, this is a 'network'... no station really stands alone...
I turned down the gain and that solved the close-in detection issue. But.....now I have to manually turn up the gain to contribute to longer-distance locations.
I do understand no station really stands alone. Thanks.
(2015-05-22, 23:39)Geewizard Wrote: I run station 1187. Is it common that my station is not used for very close strikes? I don't see my station used for strikes occurring closer than 200km when viewing http://www.lightningmaps.org/realtime? map.
that's possible.. it may be that you have too much gain, low threshold, and are sending poor data.. If your're aiming at 'distance', the near strikes may be 'distorted'... it's also possible to go into brief interference mode with near cell activity.... Remember, this is a 'network'... no station really stands alone...
I turned down the gain and that solved the close-in detection issue. But.....now I have to manually turn up the gain to contribute to longer-distance locations.
Yeah, mine works that way... in normal operation, mine will go 'interference' with cells about that distance, if they're very active... and that is one of the system 'designs', if you will... I had to learn to accept the interference mode with close storms, until they pass... and let the network stations do the locating.... some of this 'quirkiness' may be resolved to a degree with "Blue"... but the system actually works this way... there are more 'high' frequencies in nearby cells, more data, and if our gain etc is too high there may be such 'distortion' and so much 'impulse' energy that the system discards the signals, even if it doesn't trigger interference. The opposite is true for 'long distance' skywaves.. which are generally of the lower frequency energy components... over time I reached a compromise with my 'normal' settings, and don't operate my system in 'auto' for example... accepting interference mode with nearby cells, in order to produce quality from, say, 200km to about 1500km... other stations take care of the rest.
Just a request, far down on the list of priorities... If it would eventually be possible to add markers to the lightningmaps.org realtime map, that would be nice
I'm not sure what the mess is for your map, but when I ran the detail on both stations and the lines up to the maximum, it was confusing and the participation lines were hard to see in the violet/purple that they are.
I found stations on next to top setting and lines on the very first setting is extremely pleasing to me, reminiscent of the 'old days' when it was first implemented.
Maybe I'm not doing something right, but I like that setting for me.
Just wish it would stay "stuck" when I exited an came back later. But hey, for what this darned thing does, I'm willing to stand on my head to get the data and maps!
(2016-05-08, 14:49)DelandeC Wrote: Plus, all stations are shown (dots). Not only those which detected the strike.
Thus, it is not convenient for the mouseouver.
I don't know, but I set my Station to one less than full function, and the lines option to one above nothing and I'm very pleased. Just like old times.
And just to comment that my station is running ONLY an eField antenna and when the storm line moved through two nights ago, my station was seeing and being used to calculate position for a few strikes which were less than 7 km away. I'm waiting for a more active storm line to see just when I go into interference.
Note my hField got drown last year and I've been on 'only' the eField. But I still 'see' strikes in Texas and out into the Atlantic Ocean from my location in western Wisconsin.
If we had lots of stations, and there wasn't some physics reason for it, I would think we all could get by with just eFields. But maybe there are advantages to the data that are gathered from the hFields that trump the thought of going solely with efields.
(2016-05-08, 13:54)Cutty Wrote: Well, here's a simple example from a few moments ago .. attached... Purple is bad, and too much 'previous' stroke persistence...
That's by design. On the highest level the lines stay for a long time, so you get an idea which stations are mainly assigned to the strokes. Just switch to the 2nd highest level for the previous behavior. The distance color scheme is: red=far, blue=medium, green=close. Those three colors are mixed depending on the distance. It's similar like the previous color scheme: The red color is new and shows *very* far distances. Bright green color is shown on very close distances. Thus you get a more detailed view of the distances than before. The old color scheme is still available on the 2nd level, which is also for computers with low resources as only a few lines are displayed.
(2016-05-08, 14:49)DelandeC Wrote: Plus, all stations are shown (dots). Not only those which detected the strike.
Thus, it is not convenient for the mouseouver.
Hmm, I'm not sure, but this is similar than it was before. However, I changed it a bit: If lines are enabled, then only used/assigned stations are shown when zoomed out.
I encounter a problem with satellite maps of eumetsat in MyBlitzortung. I think the direct links to the card has changed, and it's possible to have an example with the right links.
In an hour or so, Lightningmaps.org will reach 1 million page views since 7:00 UTC today. Once again, the live map will report an error. This will last until 7:00 UTC tomorrow. So far we don't get more Google Maps API credits.
We will try to find a solution with or without Google (i.e. OpenStreetMaps), but it will take some more time.
FYI, I currently have a map using Leaflet API.
This is not very optimized for the archive strikes as it does not use tiles yet. It becomes a bit heavy when there is too much strikes...
2018-06-13, 19:57 (This post was last modified: 2018-06-13, 20:12 by Tobi.)
Since Sunday the live map is using Leaflet API with OpenStreetMap as main map. Rewriting took longer than expected, but everything behaves (almost) as before. Leaflet seems to be feaster regarding drawing of all the lightning dots, lines stations. That's really cool. But we have to cache the map tiles on our own servers, otherwise OpenStreetMap might get too much traffic. Google Maps are still possible, but we don't know whether we are affected by the new pricing model they will introduce in July for their API. Let's see...
After turning off the clouds, I really like this! The lines time delay is much shorter and so the screen does not get cluttered up. It seems to run faster on my tablet, too. Thank you, Tobi.
2018-06-13, 22:16 (This post was last modified: 2018-06-13, 22:16 by vk2him.)
(2018-06-13, 19:57)Tobi Wrote: Since Sunday the live map is using Leaflet API with OpenStreetMap as main map. Rewriting took longer than expected, but everything behaves (almost) as before.
Hi Tobi - I like the new look however the way the station circles are now drawn makes it very hard to tell when they light up green when zoomed out as you're infilling the green circle with the same shade of green .. it's easy to see however when they light up Purple. Is there any way you can change the colour of the green infill to make visibility better?