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  Low effectivity
Posted by: Snicker - 2014-07-29, 12:12 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (13)

Hi Blitzortung users,

I finally got my new detector online, but I have very low Effectivity ratio. Only 2%. Why is it so low? How can I get it higher? How do I find the lowest noise spot in my house? Use noise floor and walk around with it?

[Image: blitzortung1.JPG]

[Image: blitzortung2.JPG]

Noise Floor:
[Image: blitzortung3.JPG]

Station ID: 1122

Thank you all for this awesome community Big Grin

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  Expanding detection to nuclear events
Posted by: aigarius - 2014-07-29, 10:02 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

With grow of instability in local areas around the world and grow in technology and knowledge it slowly becomes more and more likely that non-government agents might use a nuclear device in one of the many hot spots around the world. Having an independent real-time source of information that would notify population of such events could provide huge benefits to survival of people.

Now, Blitzortung already has radio frequency monitoring stations and triangulation software with real-time output. Nuclear events produce a significant electromagnetic pulse. I am not an electrical engineer, but my guess is that such a pulse could theoretically be detectable with current Blitzortung hardware. If that is true, then it would only be a question of software changes and some kind of calibration data to add support for recognizing and displaying such information along with saving copies of raw signals for future law enforcement analysis.

I am pretty sure that this would require government cooperation to provide some information on the EM pulse profile of different nuclear events, but the public benefit might be a worthy enough cause to convince them to share the data, at least to some developers under appropriate NDAs.

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  Frequency Of Operation?
Posted by: WB9SBD - 2014-07-28, 13:27 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (4)

I am curious as to what frequencies are used in these systems.


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  Phoenix, Arizona, a hole in the coverage?
Posted by: jerrya - 2014-07-24, 04:36 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (5)

I'm in the 85032 zip code in the US, and we are in the middle of a summer thunderstorm. It's pretty active and has lasted about 20 minutes now.

And yet, the map during this time shows (just about) nothing in Phoenix, Arizona. It is registering strikes in Canada, Mexico, Louisiana, North Dakota, ....

Earlier today, when there was no lightning here, I did see the map register strikes outside of the city about 30 miles away, and elsewhere in Arizona.

What would cause lightning strikes *not* to be mapped?

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  Lightning strikes heard, but did not appear on map.
Posted by: WØTDH - 2014-07-23, 21:36 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (19)

We heard three/four strikes near us, but no indication of those on map.
( During last two T.S that passed through today )
Intensity of strikes too low or no rcvr site near enough to our location?



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  Jameco BOM / OSHPark PCB?
Posted by: RussNelson - 2014-07-23, 16:54 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

Hi. I was wondering if anybody had set up a Jameco BOM for the parts for the hardware?
Also, OSHPark is happy to send you three copies of a board, AND you can make the PCB design public, so that anybody can order a (well, three) copy of the board just by visiting a URL.

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  precision of lighting location
Posted by: Andet - 2014-07-23, 15:39 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (3)

Quick but very important questions :-)
1. Some android maps use blitzortung data to show lighting position even on very big map zoom. I saw which building was hit by lighting.
How precise is lighting locating in reality?
2. At www blitzortung.org we can see growing circles at place of strike. Does the speed of circle growing reflect speed of strike sound spread?
If not, it would be great to implement it. And additionally circle would dissappear at the size where sound fades away. Of course approximately.

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  User 137
Posted by: SilvioSc - 2014-07-19, 13:05 - Forum: Non-English - Replies (1)


Ist es möglich eine Station aus den Benutzerdaten zu löschen oder löschen zu lassen, die nicht mehr betrieben wird?

Gruß Silvio

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Posted by: Superschlumpf - 2014-07-18, 08:40 - Forum: Non-English - Replies (10)

Hallo zusammen,

gibt es die Möglichkeit an Echtzeitdaten der berechneten Strikes zu kommen. Via TCP oder so?
Interessant sind erstmal die Koordinaten und der Timestamp....

LG Berti

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  Missing Parts - 47 ohm resistors
Posted by: gadjex - 2014-07-18, 00:48 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (11)

I got my red kit in yesterday Smile for the Amplifier 12 Ver 3c and Controller 10 Ver 4 and I used the inventory sheets to inventory the order. I received a few extra parts and I am missing a few parts. I am missing 3 - 47 ohm metal film resistors. I have 3 extra 49.9 ohm metal film resistors and 1 1N4148 Diode. Can I substitute the 49.9 ohm for the 47 ohm? The amp needs 2 and the controller needs 1? I used a Fluke multimeter to check the value of all the resistors and double checked that I am missing the 47 ohm ones.

Edit: Found where the 6 extra 2.2k metal film resistors go. OOPs Big Grin

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