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  Portuguese language
Posted by: MeteoCercal - 2014-07-12, 02:39 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (2)

Congratulations for having the Portuguese language added to options for the Blitzortung homepage.

Just a note: When we chose Portuguese language, on the forum tab, the text "Fórum" is missing. It's shows empty.

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  Problem beim Updatevon myblitzortung auf 1.3
Posted by: StoehrMa - 2014-07-10, 07:14 - Forum: Non-English - Replies (2)

Ich habe gerade mein myblitzortung von 1.1 auf die Version 1.3 Upzudaten. per FTP die Dateien raufgeschoben... neu eingestiegen und dann hat er versucht wie immer die Datenbank upzudaten. Dann kam folgende Meldung:

Aktualisiere Version 1.1 -> 1.2

ALTER TABLE `mybo_stations` ADD `comment` varchar(128) NOT NULL AFTER `country`: Fertig
ALTER TABLE `mybo_stations` DROP `show_mybo`: Fertig
ALTER TABLE `mybo_stations` CHANGE `amp_antennas` `amp_antennas` VARCHAR(100): Fertig
ALTER TABLE `mybo_stations` ADD `amp_pcbs` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL AFTER `status`: Fertig

Aktualisiere Version 1.2 -> 1.3

ALTER TABLE `mybo_stations` CHANGE `amp_antennas` `amp_antennas` VARCHAR(100): Fertig
ALTER TABLE `mybo_stations` ADD `amp_pcbs` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL AFTER `status`: Fehler

Aktualisierung beendet!
Update-Info: Setze Version auf 1.1

Also nur beim letzten Punkt hat er eine Fehlermeldung gebracht. Hat aber die Version nicht hochgesetzt und somit will er wieder updaten.... auch das hab ich nochmals versucht, jetzt kommt folgende Meldung:

Aktualisiere Version 1.1 -> 1.2

ALTER TABLE `mybo_stations` ADD `comment` varchar(128) NOT NULL AFTER `country`: Fehler
ALTER TABLE `mybo_stations` DROP `show_mybo`: Fehler
ALTER TABLE `mybo_stations` CHANGE `amp_antennas` `amp_antennas` VARCHAR(100): Fertig
ALTER TABLE `mybo_stations` ADD `amp_pcbs` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL AFTER `status`: Fehler

Aktualisiere Version 1.2 -> 1.3

ALTER TABLE `mybo_stations` CHANGE `amp_antennas` `amp_antennas` VARCHAR(100): Fertig
ALTER TABLE `mybo_stations` ADD `amp_pcbs` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL AFTER `status`: Fehler

Aktualisierung beendet!
Update-Info: Setze Version auf 1.1

Jetzt habe ich fast nur noch Fehlermeldungen!

Hab mir gerade die Datenbank angesehen.... dort scheint aber alles geändert worden zu sein..... nur die Datenbankversion setzt er von 1.1 nicht auf 1.3. Wenn ich die in der Datenbank ändere und dann im Internet Bereich auf myblitzortung was drücke schreibt er mir die Version sofort wieder auf 1.1 zurück.

Ich glaube allerdings dass das Problem am Sprung von 1.1 auf 1.3 liegt.

Er hat beim Datenbankupdate von 1.1 auf 1.2 diese Zeile ausgeführt:
ALTER TABLE `mybo_stations` ADD `amp_pcbs` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL AFTER `status`: Fertig

Danach hat er von 1.2 auf 1.3 die selbe Zeile nochmals ausgeführt und dann mit Fehler bestätigt. Anscheinend weil es ja bereits in der Datenbank geändert wurde. Anscheinend schließt das Installation PHP File allerdings den Vorgang erst ab wenn auch wirklich alles ohne Fehler geändert wurde.

Wenn ich jetzt das ganze nochmals mache kommen natürlich noch mehr "Fehlermeldungen" weil die Datenbank ja schon geändert wurde und er schließt das Update nicht mehr ab, da ja Fehler.

Was kann ich tun? Wie kann ich das beheben?
Danke für deine Hilfe!


Hab jetzt noch was probiert.... hab aus der datenbank in der tabelle stations die spalte "comment" gelöscht UND eine spalte "stations" angelegt.
Das sind genau die sachen die er im update von 1.1 auf 1.2 laut update.inc.php neu anlegen bzw löschen sollte.

Wenn ich nun bei myblitzortung wieder in den internen bereich wechsle und wie aufgefordert auf "Update durchführen" clicke bekomme ich folgendes ausgeworfen:

Aktualisiere Version 1.1 -> 1.2

ALTER TABLE `mybo_stations` ADD `comment` varchar(128) NOT NULL AFTER `country`: Fertig
ALTER TABLE `mybo_stations` DROP `show_mybo`: Fertig

Aktualisierung beendet!
Update-Info: Setze Version auf 1.1


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  spare boards, somewhere
Posted by: Detlef_A - 2014-07-10, 07:06 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (5)

Hi forum,

I discovered blitzortung recently and Im very enthusiastic about the idea. Unfortunately new boards for system Red will be available at the earliest this autumn. I dont want to wait that long, so my question: Are there any spare boards available somewhere? The board layout files alone (it is Eagle, right?!) would also be sufficient, I'd have the boards manufactured somewhere.

THX, hope to join the network soon.

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  Blitzortung article on The Speaker
Posted by: dbdonaldson - 2014-07-06, 18:29 - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Just published an article in The Speaker on Blitzortung. Thanks again to Tobias Volgnandt for answering all of our questions. The service is great--the whole thing about it.


DB Donaldson

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  Seeking an unwanted kit
Posted by: doc911 - 2014-07-03, 22:35 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

Greetings All;

My name is Kevin, I am a retired, yet highly experienced forestry firefighter/medic that used to specialise in Urban Interface fire suppression & rappelling from helicopters into remote wilderness areas to suppress a fire in British Columbia, Canada. I now live in Red Deer County, in Central Alberta, Canada. I took notice that there is little in the way of representation from Canada in general & Western Canada in particular.

I just received an e-mail update stating there are no kits available until possibly later on in the year, so I decided to come here to let anyone with a spare kit that no longer is needed or if someone has lost interest with this project & wants to sell their kit, I am a willing buyer. I can pay via Visa, Paypal or UKash for European payments. I understand kits leaving Europe can contain specific pieces required by the kit to function properly & that kits may require some assembly by the purchaser. I can follow a set of plans & can use a soldering iron. If someone has a complete yet unbuilt kit I would be interested in purchasing it as well. In a nutshell, if you have a full kit of parts or a working kit that is no longer needed or wanted, I can give it a good home.

The area I live in is prone to daily, large dynamic thunderstorms rolling off of the Rocky Mountains from mid April to mid October, with the occasional small tornado. In the same area, a government backed CARISMA (Canadian Array for Real-time Investigations of Magnetic Activity) magnetometer array, a key element of the Canadian Geospace Monitoring (CGSM) project is positioned. With large portions of Canada located along the boundaries where Auroras Borealis are commonly seen, I volunteer to use time lapse photography to record AB's as part of a citizen science project studying CME's & solar wind & how they may relate to the formation of, the quantity &/or severity of lightning strikes & how massive CME's, solar wind & solar storms may relate to the development & electrical charging of particles within cloud formations that form into storm cells, lightning within thunderstorms, as well as other forms of lightning, i.e; Dry lightning, ball lightning, sheet lightning in high atmosphere cloud formations. While Auroras Borealis is normally seen at night, ejecta from CME's &/or solar storms are constantly bombarding Earth, we just don't notice it because of the available sunlight during the daytime.

It would be interesting to see the raw data & maybe even do a comparative analysis between both data sets. Either way, I'm interested in helping out, if someone has a kit that needs a good home in Canada, I have just the spot for it.

All the best, Cheers!

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  Can I embed this service on a page?
Posted by: dbdonaldson - 2014-07-03, 19:13 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications - Replies (1)

This service is great. I'm sort of addicted. Can I embed it on a webpage somehow?

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Posted by: chasbrand - 2014-07-02, 14:25 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications - Replies (1)

new to this,what are the lines from one place to another

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  Blitzstatistik- Anzahl/Quote ="0"
Posted by: Hoelters - 2014-06-29, 10:01 - Forum: Non-English - Replies (4)

Ich betreibe eine RED-Station mit der 6.8 Version.
Ich habe festgestellt, wenn viele Blitzaktivitäten vorhanden sind, in meiner Statistik die Blitzanzahl und -Quoten bei ALLEN Stationen auf "0" sind. (Anhang).
Die Rangfolge der Stationen stimmen aber.
Ist zB wenig Blitzaktivitäten vorhanden, so stimmen dann die entsprechenden Werte (nicht mehr "0").
Ich meine an meiner config-Einstellung kann es nicht liegen, dann wäre der Fehler ja konstant vorhanden.
Tobias, kannst du das mal bitte kontrollieren?

Im Wedaal-Board hat man mich auf dieses Forum verwiesen, da man dort leider keine Lösung gefunden hatte.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  2nd H-Field Amplifier meaningful?
Posted by: CRogoza - 2014-06-27, 18:20 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (1)

Hi there!

I'm thinking about installing a 2nd H-Field Amplifier with the Ferrid-Rods 45° offset to my current rods.
Would that increase the amount/accuracy of my station?

Thanks for your answers! Smile

Greetings, Christopher

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  Strike accuracy question
Posted by: BobW - 2014-06-27, 17:30 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (2)

[attachment=1242][attachment=1243]Hi all,

I saw something last night that I had a question about. There were some storms last night slightly north of where I live. It appears that the positions of the detected lightning overshot where the lightning actually was. I think this is possibly because there were no stations receiving the lightning to the southeast of where the lightning was, and the system was just making a best guess as to where the strikes were given that it actually couldn't triangulate it on three sides.

See the attached screen shots of the radar in the area, and the Blitzortung web page. From the Wilmington area to the southeast, it was actually clear air, with no lightning.

As soon as kits are available, I'm on board with adding a station here. Hopefully that will help.

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