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  LPATS IV - what could i do with it?
Posted by: djbengan - 2014-06-12, 11:09 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (15)

Hello! This is my first post and it contains a question. Last year i managed to get my hands on a LPATS IV [Image: FS315362-189156.jpg] and im looking for every bit of information there is to find about this system.
I've done some emailing with the swedish metrological instution, but they could only tell me that i needed more than one and that the antenna should be a 40 cm long whip. Im not so sure i need more than one because i got multiple antenna inputs.
Is there anyone sitting on information that could make this piece of hardware usable?
The unit is at another location, but i can post some pictures next week.


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  Non-English Forum
Posted by: Tobi - 2014-06-11, 18:59 - Forum: Non-English - No Replies

Even though Blitzortung.org was founded by some German guys and the project name is German too, it's an international project. This also means, that our main communication language is English. All those who want to communicate in their own language, can use this forum. Please respect, that the project leaders often don't have the time to answer the same questions in German and English, so English is the preferred language.

We can also create sub forums for specific languages if needed.

FYI: This should be the only English post in this forum. Big Grin

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  My Lightning detection
Posted by: rbaleja - 2014-06-11, 12:27 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications - Replies (2)

My lightning detection no update. I don'n know whySad
Do you have any information abaut problems?

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  Timestamp auf den "LIVE" Seiten möglich?
Posted by: krixx5 - 2014-06-11, 04:48 - Forum: Non-English - Replies (4)

Ich finde keine Uhrzeit auf den Seiten, somit ist ein Screenshot für Versicherungen etc schlecht einer Zeit zu zu ordnen.
Schön wäre Zeitzone mit Uhrzeit, Minute/Sekunde:
GMT +2 • 11.06.2014 • 06'33"59 Blush

villeicht könnt ihr sowas in die Seiten integrieren?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen und danke das ihr die Seiten für uns bereitstellt


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  Assembled my E-field kit.
Posted by: Remy Brandt - 2014-06-07, 15:08 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (17)

Just done soldering... that's a lot of joints Wink
@Egon Wanke The package arrived here yesterday and all looks fine Wink
Now it's time for some PVC tubing Big Grin

Bdw are those boards acetone proof? for cleaning the solder side?

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Posted by: kenneth81 - 2014-06-05, 13:07 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications - Replies (1)

does anyone know how much it will cost in ddk.
if you would like to purchase the necessary components and devices
that you need to blitzortung.org program

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  Controller 10.4 - Two Amplifiers?
Posted by: AndrewIC - 2014-06-01, 22:44 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (3)


I see from the document that Controller 10.4 has two amplifier input connectors on the board. Is it possible to run two amplifiers off the one controller, say one H and one E field?


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  Amplifier PCB 13 Version 1
Posted by: halder - 2014-05-28, 17:29 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (10)

Why the input signal is divided by R2 and R3 to 9% ?

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  Publication Blitzortung.org maps on its website.
Posted by: mactok - 2014-05-21, 11:45 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications - Replies (2)


I would like to put Your map http://images.blitzortung.org/Images/image_b_pl.png on my three websites. Page with the weather and a map is devoid of advertising. Can I add data from Blitzortung.org if I put information about the author?
Sample page: http://mazurskiczarter.pl/pogoda
The data are intended mainly for sailors.

Maciej Tokarz

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  Watching Realtime map in operation
Posted by: Dale.Reid - 2014-05-20, 02:21 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications - Replies (5)

I think I had a somewhat unique opportunity today to watch the Beta Realtime Map software in action, due to an isolated storm and a somewhat unique vantage point.

I travelled about 100 miles from my home to attend a meeting at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. The lay of the land is somewhat unique, with relatively flat prairie in all directions, only smaller rolling hills. The city is not too big, and there are almost no tall buildings except for the Mayo Clinic. From that building it is only a mile or so to farmland all around, very 'un-metropolitan' and quite rural compared to most cities with a building this tall.

I was in a 19 story building, looking westerly, with a large span of windows in a meeting room. I had my laptop watching a relatively zoomed in view of the map, showing strikes in realtime.

As the storm moved in, and lightning from the cloud to ground was visible with relatively high ceilings to the cloud, and clear visibility to the ground strike points until the rain moved in behind the strikes, I had the opportunity to see several strikes which did not show on the map, which was expected and has been discussed by the developers.

More beautiful, however, was to see a nice cloud to ground strike just to the south of a road going to the west of the building. Within a fraction of a second a second strike occurred just to the north of the road. Within three seconds both these strikes were plotted on the map, and in locations that would correspond to the north of and south of locations in comparison to the road. The plotting occurred in the same sequence as the appearance of the strikes, but I don't know if the servers calculate in any order or just as they get enough data to verify a strike. The storm approached with more intercloud lightning, much of which showed up on the map, and a few more cloud to ground, all showing on the plot map, and as far as general location from what I observed to what the map showed, being in very good agreement with observed vs. plotted positions.

Beautiful job done, developers! I can only hope to be so lucky as to have a safe window on an approaching storm again, and the system up and running to plot them. Very exciting. I hope this wasn't too lengthy of a posting, but wanted to share this opportunity to do a visual verification of approximate strike position and very rapid plotting. Dale

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