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Posted by: kenneth81 - 2014-06-05, 13:07 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications - Replies (1)

does anyone know how much it will cost in ddk.
if you would like to purchase the necessary components and devices
that you need to blitzortung.org program

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  Controller 10.4 - Two Amplifiers?
Posted by: AndrewIC - 2014-06-01, 22:44 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (3)


I see from the document that Controller 10.4 has two amplifier input connectors on the board. Is it possible to run two amplifiers off the one controller, say one H and one E field?


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  Amplifier PCB 13 Version 1
Posted by: halder - 2014-05-28, 17:29 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (10)

Why the input signal is divided by R2 and R3 to 9% ?

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  Publication Blitzortung.org maps on its website.
Posted by: mactok - 2014-05-21, 11:45 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications - Replies (2)


I would like to put Your map http://images.blitzortung.org/Images/image_b_pl.png on my three websites. Page with the weather and a map is devoid of advertising. Can I add data from Blitzortung.org if I put information about the author?
Sample page: http://mazurskiczarter.pl/pogoda
The data are intended mainly for sailors.

Maciej Tokarz

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  Watching Realtime map in operation
Posted by: Dale.Reid - 2014-05-20, 02:21 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications - Replies (5)

I think I had a somewhat unique opportunity today to watch the Beta Realtime Map software in action, due to an isolated storm and a somewhat unique vantage point.

I travelled about 100 miles from my home to attend a meeting at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. The lay of the land is somewhat unique, with relatively flat prairie in all directions, only smaller rolling hills. The city is not too big, and there are almost no tall buildings except for the Mayo Clinic. From that building it is only a mile or so to farmland all around, very 'un-metropolitan' and quite rural compared to most cities with a building this tall.

I was in a 19 story building, looking westerly, with a large span of windows in a meeting room. I had my laptop watching a relatively zoomed in view of the map, showing strikes in realtime.

As the storm moved in, and lightning from the cloud to ground was visible with relatively high ceilings to the cloud, and clear visibility to the ground strike points until the rain moved in behind the strikes, I had the opportunity to see several strikes which did not show on the map, which was expected and has been discussed by the developers.

More beautiful, however, was to see a nice cloud to ground strike just to the south of a road going to the west of the building. Within a fraction of a second a second strike occurred just to the north of the road. Within three seconds both these strikes were plotted on the map, and in locations that would correspond to the north of and south of locations in comparison to the road. The plotting occurred in the same sequence as the appearance of the strikes, but I don't know if the servers calculate in any order or just as they get enough data to verify a strike. The storm approached with more intercloud lightning, much of which showed up on the map, and a few more cloud to ground, all showing on the plot map, and as far as general location from what I observed to what the map showed, being in very good agreement with observed vs. plotted positions.

Beautiful job done, developers! I can only hope to be so lucky as to have a safe window on an approaching storm again, and the system up and running to plot them. Very exciting. I hope this wasn't too lengthy of a posting, but wanted to share this opportunity to do a visual verification of approximate strike position and very rapid plotting. Dale

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  iPhone app not working
Posted by: jtjbt20x - 2014-05-11, 01:26 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications - Replies (4)

Hi, the iPhone app doesn't seem to be working for me, all I get is 6 lightning strikes off the coast of Africa. This has been going on for a HuhHuhmonth or so. Any ideas how to fix this? thanks!

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  LightningMaps.org: Real-time Lightning Map
Posted by: Tobi - 2014-05-09, 16:37 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications - Replies (154)

Hi folks,

here is something new: http://www.lightningmaps.org/realtime

This map displays all strokes of the last 60 minutes in all regions. New ones are added almost in real time! The delay is up to 5 seconds. Station owners can check the signals or turn on their buzzers, wait for some lightning signal and a few seconds later there should be a new marker in the map. The best results can be seen in Central Europe due to the high station density.

Please note that this is a very first beta version! There's still some work to do. We can not guarantee for anything!

Have fun! Cool

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  No access to "Internal Forum"
Posted by: Knickohr - 2014-04-29, 16:03 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (6)

Hi !

Why do I have no access to the "Internal Forum" ?

Quote:Sorry but there are currently no threads in this forum with the specified date and time limiting options.

Quote:You do not have permission to access this page. This could be because of one of the following reasons:

Your account has either been suspended or you have been banned from accessing this resource.
You do not have permission to access this page. Are you trying to access administrative pages or a resource that you shouldn't be? Check in the forum rules that you are allowed to perform this action.
Your account may still be awaiting activation or moderation. (Resend Activation Code)
You have accessed this page directly rather than using appropriate forms or link.

I also cannot view my own profile Sad


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  Wie genau ist die Blitzortung?
Posted by: sebihepp - 2014-04-22, 14:34 - Forum: Non-English - Replies (1)


mich würde mal interessieren, wie genau die Blitze geortet werden können? Mich würde es sehr interessieren, wo in meiner Stadt (Heidelberg) die Blitze einschlagen, wenn ein Gewitter in vollem Gange ist. Leider kann man die Karte nicht nah genug zoomen. Sind die Archive da besser? Ich überlege mir, ob ich mich nicht an dem Projekt beteilige. Ich bin Hobbyelektroniker und suche derzeit nach einem Projekt - und Blitzortung würde mich brennend interessieren. Ich habe zwar ein 40MHz-Oszilloskop, aber keinen Sprektrumsanalysator zu Hause. Und von HF habe ich leider auch keine Ahnung. Mein Bereich ist die Digitaltechnik mit µControllern, CPLDs und FPGAs. Gibt es zu den Antennen und Verstärkern gute Anleitungen?

Viele Grüße

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  Newbie? As the same ... you reply!?
Posted by: Vad - 2014-04-22, 14:28 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications - Replies (9)

Wrote many letters to different addresses are found here to see prices on the site .. no one answers!
So how do I contact you??
There is little information, information is not complete ..
what, who, where?
I can buy, how much .. how much will cost delivery ..
On http://www.blitzortung.org/Webpages/inde...=de&page=3
response robot ... no return address .. or anyone write .. or anyone to ask a question ..
And on forum peace and quiet .. only dead men with braids standing ..Wink

Ну и нахрена такое надо?)))

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