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  Lightningmaps data explanation
Posted by: sishort - 2023-06-12, 19:51 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

Sorry for such a noob question, but can anyone explain what the "S:" number is when looking at individual strokes data on lightningmaps.org visualisations?

There is a date and time stamp along with a number such as "S: 13/269"

What does that refer to? 

I've tried to find a definition somewhere, so hoping you fine folks can help.

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Exclamation my station 2550 no strokes for 2 years?
Posted by: genewitch - 2023-06-04, 23:31 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (2)

edit 1: hmm, evidently when i click my "signature" link "2550" it brings up a third page that is different than the one i linked and the one that shows up if you manually put "2550" in the URL.
This may be me "bookmarking" the wrong link. If anyone else can verify that my system is working "ok" i'd be very appreciative. I'd hate to have wasted bandwidth and compute resources for two years!

edit 2: Somehow my station shows up twice, once as the link "station page" below shows, and once as the station in my signature. Respectively, 3030, 2550. Is this something that i messed up? in the network chart these two stations are 0 km apart. I know there's two other systems in my state, and those show up 3rd and 4th in the network chart.

per subject, my station page shows that i haven't had a stroke recorded since 2021-04-18 03:14:37 UTC.

If i look at the live map with station lines active, i see my station flickering occasionally, especially with closer storms. I've assumed this was a fluke of the lightningmaps site; it also doesn't report my firmware version (and IIRC never has!)

My station is always clicking, and other than a few "bad GPS" or network outages, it's been up in the intervening 2 years, clicking and sending data. the three "status" pages show "valid" stroke reporting nearly always, strokes measured between 1 and 3000km, and I'll link a static image of the activity page, which i still cannot read >.<

I'll answer any questions!

image below:

[Image: 04a3bd42-f01d-47bc-b840-8821493f9add]

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  Graphical display of impact distances
Posted by: shonan - 2023-05-16, 06:55 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications - No Replies


We recently installed a Blitz system red in Chichijima, Japan. The system red that I installed is station 2985, but the graph of the impact distance in the URL is not displayed.


I installed systems blue (2476 and 2152) on the same island and these showed the impact distance.



Is this some kind of system bug?
Or am I not successfully targeting the lightning?

Thank you in advance for your response.

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  We would like to participate
Posted by: spitzmaus - 2023-05-13, 17:52 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (5)

We operate a weather station in Döbeln, Saxony, Germany. This includes common meteorological readings, but lightning is still missing. We have some experience in electronics. So I guess we will be able to assemble the measuring kit.

Could we join your community?

Where can we order the neccessary equipment?

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Posted by: Salminen - 2023-05-12, 13:14 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

Apparently the latest version is the only thing listetd??  Older version funded this activity. The old one is not update the new ones. Now this fair action??.

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  Clouds Missing?
Posted by: WA2AXZ - 2023-05-05, 12:44 - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Good Day Everyone,
   I have noticed that for the past few days, when I click the clouds tab, there are no clouds. I have spoken with several Ham Radio friends to see that that feature has also been disabled on their lightningmaps pages too.   Has this removal been intentional, or is there a problem with our individual site pages?  
As I do not get to this chat site often, If someone can e mail me with corrective (if any) details, that will be appreciated.
Bob Loby-WA2AXZ      wa2axz@arrl.net
May 5, 2023

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  Archive restore
Posted by: Vladimir - 2023-05-03, 19:13 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications - Replies (3)

I needed to look at July 11, 2022 in the archive, but unfortunately for myself I saw nothing. Can check only 2023 (

Is there any information on restoring archived data, also after a fire in the data center?

[Image: Mtg883V.jpg]

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Lightbulb Electrical field measurement
Posted by: Elektrofeldmeter - 2023-04-23, 19:37 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (4)


I am an electronic enthousiastic and of course a Blitzortung fan. In order to complete my lightning detection sensoric I developed a field mill to detect the change of the electrical field (not the electric part of the electromagnetic wave but the quasi steady electric field) when a thunderstorm is over my garden. It took times and several trial and errors but at least I managed it. 

About the concept:
The device is working with USB (and can be used with a simple power bank) and generate a local wifi network so that one can monitor the results on the smartphone. Typically, you are on a hot spot far from home it is rainy and you stay in your car monitoring the change of electrical field.
If it is worthwhile I may invest time showing how I did it, it was a very nice first project and may be some other people may profit of it.

About the results:
There was a thunderstorm over Mainz (DE) during the evening of 21.04.2023.
and I could extract the following plot representing the charges and the discharges of the cloud above me. Very interesting was to observe a lightning and few milliseconds later on the Webserver of the field mill the drop down of the electrical field. It is really like a capacitor charing till reaching the electrical breakdown. Also very interesting is to observe how long it takes to converge back to a 0 V/m field even if no clouds were to be seen.

More on this picture here below:

All of this would not have been possible without the input from this website (Stefan Kneifel).

I hope that you find this as exciting as I found it. Do not hesitate to share your feelings and questions about it.


User: 1871
Detector: 2432

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  Station projekt showing more then once!
Posted by: Ldarax - 2023-04-14, 20:34 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (2)

All station show up 3 times with different numbers when i ceck on stations by country!
How come?

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  I want to participate
Posted by: cmartinez1979 - 2023-04-10, 22:55 - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Hello there!
I would like to buy a sensor and cover my area in México
Please tell me how?

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