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  No more data transmitted Europe 2 and 3
Posted by: MTO-Mareuil - 2023-08-12, 09:40 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications - Replies (3)

For a few days now, my red 2401 detector has not transmitted any data in the Europe 2, Europe 3 and Africa 1 Zones!!!! Only the Europe 1 zone is active! Can you tell me how to fix this problem. 
For information, my blue 2783 detector does not encounter this problem.
Thank you for your comeback

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  GPS hosed
Posted by: hpfeil - 2023-08-04, 19:35 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - No Replies

Station 2707 status: Bad GPS. I replaced the GPS antenna. There was overhead lightning, nearby strikes. The GPS section of the station web interface shows no 1PPS, no satellites. Before the storm, there were 5-6 satellites on the polar graph, position data, everything was working. If I need a new board, I will connect the grounding jack to earth ground.

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Exclamation Please put Kosovo with its own borders
Posted by: valdrinshala - 2023-07-30, 16:40 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications - Replies (10)


Please put Kosovo with its borders all over your website, as there are still people sharing your maps through various social networks, presenting it as part of Serbia, something that is terrible and unacceptable to us as citizens of Kosovo.

Once, Kosovo is an independent state since 2008.

Here are the links where Kosovo's state is not displayed at all:






Here the map of Kosovo is presented but not as it really is, more or less it is presented only to separate Kosovo from Serbia when I contacted you for the first time via email in 2016. - https://www.blitzortung.org/en/live_lightning_maps.php?map=10

Here the map of Kosovo is presented as it really is or as it should be. So, you should use this map to fix other maps. - https://www.blitzortung.org/en/live_lightning_maps.php?map=14

Please consider my request as soon as possible!

All the best,
Valdrin Shala

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  Data archive access
Posted by: kaklik - 2023-07-10, 20:01 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

Is there any way to obtain historical data, or has there been a policy change regarding access to historical records for participants of the network? I noticed that the archive at http://data.blitzortung.org/Data/Protected/ currently only contains empty folders, even for dates from this year.

I'm explicitly interested in accessing historical data for research purposes. Specifically, we're looking into storm activity and would greatly benefit from having access to data from the following dates in 2022: June 24, August 26, and September 9.

Thanks very much in advance to everyone, who could help to resolve that issue.

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  What is the "delay" value for?
Posted by: PeterMartinez - 2023-07-09, 16:36 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (2)

At the left side of the Blitzortung screen is a "delay" display, usually updating very quickly with values of a few seconds.  What is being displayed here and what purpose does it serve? Thanks.  Peter

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  Coordinate is missing
Posted by: MapMind™ - 2023-07-04, 13:30 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications - Replies (1)

When I click a particular event on a map I get this:

20 km
© Blitzortung.org contributors ❘ © OpenStreetMap contributors ❘ © OpenMapTiles
2023-07-04 13:10:56.104705792 UTC
Region: 11 (Europe2)
max deviation: 7353 nsec
min cycle gap: 161 °
detectors involved: 177
detectors used: 12

Please add coordinate Lat Lon as well.  Smile

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  Looking for a System Blue or Red to Buy
Posted by: bakerkj - 2023-06-27, 16:22 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (5)

Hi, I am looking for a Blue or Red System to buy. Thanks!

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  System Blue wait list suggestion
Posted by: Aythya - 2023-06-26, 01:00 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (2)

Hello everyone!

Station #1384 owner here (version RED), and active participant for gosh.. five years or so?  Probably much longer, actually!

Anyway, I know I, like many others, are patiently and excitedly awaiting our turn for an opportunity to purchase a system "Blue" station.  I've personally been on the waiting list for at least two or three years I think, and am only about 1/2 way up the list so far.

I realize there's a limited number of kits to sell, and it takes time.

All that said..

Might it make sense to do some sort of "refresh" of the list, in order to remove any emails/folks who may no longer have any interest in buying one?  I'm sure there's got to be a number of people who simply have no further interest, yet are still taking-up a spot.

I don't know if that would actually speed things up or not, for those who DO want one, but at least it might not look quite so disheartening if one was only say, #1000 from the top, instead of #4800 LOL!

Also, just curious:  Does anyone know roughly how many of these kits are being made/shipped monthly, on average?  Are they even still shipping any?

Perhaps I missed the thread, but nothing really stood out so far as where things are at currently.

Anyway, I'm sure there's bigger fish to fry here, but I'm just keen (and have a really cool location to put one, if I get it... At the top of a lighthouse in a bay!)  The keeper still asks me from time to time if I'm still getting one, and I'm like "one of these days" lol!

Take care everyone!
Hal Smile

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  System Blue is not working after winter closure
Posted by: Der Bergsche - 2023-06-24, 09:16 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (2)

Hi friends,

some weeks ago I started my system blue to participate again in the cummunity. But unfortunately, the system is not running correctly. I don´t got GPS sync and the error LED flashed some times (like inidication of a lightning). I changed the now the GPS mouse, but same result. Also the GPS LED remained dark. Maybe the VLF amplifier got an over-voltage??? No idea. I like to change the VLF amplifier now and like to know where to get? Or should I let check the PCB, maybe for a larger damage?

Thanks for your response!

Jens (1633)

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  Who would like to sell his system red?
Posted by: Its Me - 2023-06-20, 15:09 - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

if you want to sell your system red, please send me a PM.
Its Me

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