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  Station 1276
Posted by: orion_jb2001 - 2015-01-24, 02:00 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

Well it is up. H and E field seem to be recording. I can see detection lines coming from my station on lightningmaps .org. Haven't done any fine tuning yet. If someone can look at my signals and let me know how they compare with other stations. Big Grin


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  network cable connection issue
Posted by: orion_jb2001 - 2015-01-23, 12:59 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)


I got rained out this afternoon, so I am just testing the H field side, inside. I do not have a shielded cable going from the controller to my LAN. Now all seems to be working but I get the check network cable connection. The appears not to be any connection at the controller end or the LAN. Is it because of the non shielded cable or is there something more sinister. Sad


(2015-01-23, 12:59)orion_jb2001 Wrote: Hi,

I got rained out this afternoon, so I am just testing the H field side, inside. I do not have a shielded cable going from the controller to my LAN. Now all seems to be working but I get the check network cable connection. The appears not to be any connection at the controller end or the LAN. Is it because of the non shielded cable or is there something more sinister. Sad


It was something sinister. Just traced back some relevant circuits and found a couple of dry solders, seems to be up now. Smile


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Photo H field ferrite shielding
Posted by: orion_jb2001 - 2015-01-21, 22:49 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (5)


This has been copied over from the internal forum, station hardware firmware antenna section, 32 hours without response on a subject that if done wrong, I think, would compromise your detector. Someone within the broader followers of Blitzortung may be able to assist. Smile

""Some very interesting posts on the various ways of shielding H field ferrites. It seems that copper foil and ribbon cable are evenly matched in popularity. If I need to shield my H field ferrite antennas, I will use ribbon cable, which will be easiest to obtain. I can see that you solder one edge of your ribbon cable and then attach that earth wire to your negative connector of the antenna connectors on the pcb, for both relevant channels/antennae.

What is not so clear is how the 2 edges of the ribbon cable relate to each other. Do you have to leave a space, similar to what is done with the copper foil or do you just wrap the unsoldered edge of the ribbon cable around your conduit and just terminate in adjacent to your soldered edge (lying beside it). I assume you don't solder the other edge to the first one or do you?? The photos I have seen, do not show how the 2 edges of the ribbon cable end up around your conduit.


Jeff Smile (nearly ready to mount on the roof!!!)""

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  Ground current
Posted by: Steph - 2015-01-21, 10:38 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (5)


I was searching for quite a while on this topic but couldn't find any data. Does somebody here know how far the ground current from a lightning strike is reaching?
Assuming having two ground rods in a practicable distance and measuring the voltage (-drop) in between.

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Posted by: orion_jb2001 - 2015-01-16, 02:18 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (4)

If you are not going to give me access to your internal forum site, put my posts back in general. How the dickens can I get this working if I can not see my posts and the answers people have provided. I can't see some of my posts because I can't get into the internal forum where I think they have been moved.


(2015-01-16, 02:18)orion_jb2001 Wrote: If you are not going to give me access to your internal forum site, put my posts back in general. How the dickens can I get this working if I can not see my posts and the answers people have provided. I can't see some of my posts because I can't get into the internal forum where I think they have been moved.


If you people want this network to be expanded, you need to provide the support for world wide 24/7 forum and network activity! You don't appear to be supplying any monitoring for SE Asia and Oceania areas whilst Europe and the USA sleep, in the form of moderators etc.


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  Internal Forum
Posted by: orion_jb2001 - 2015-01-15, 21:43 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (5)

your post is noted about posting technical questions from operators in the internal forum I was not aware of that procedure, however, my request for a login ability to the internal forum has a operator has not been actioned. I have sent an request email, as per instructions, to blitzortung@gmx.org. ( Sorry if any operators have replied to my "moved post" technical question, I do not have access to the internal forum yet Huh)


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Question PCB 12 ver 3c advice
Posted by: orion_jb2001 - 2015-01-15, 08:39 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (3)

Whilst using an old magnifying light setup (really old, incandescent blubs.. lol), in building the PCB12 ver 3c amp, an IC was put in the wrong spot. I managed to get the IC back off and placed where it should be in IC2, but in the process, pulled up some circuit board tape. The relevant IC is IC2 dual op amp MCP6292. The relevant problem regarding the circuit tape lifting is (looking from top, antennae to left, RJ45 to the right) is the bottom right hand corner of IC2. The tape leads to Capacitor 6. Now I have ordered a spare PCB12 ver 3c from Egon as the board failed power up test. My belief was the IC did not survive the removal/replacement and the circuit board tape were issues. All other parts are going ok in construction, a new mag light system with LED lights much better!!! Smile Now between construction of different parts, I have again revisited the ver 3c board. Now I have managed to connect a wire bridge from the bottom right hand corner (diagonally opposite the indent) to Capacitor 6. I have also touched up some of the solder joints. To my surprises, the PCB now passed initial power up, as described in the blitz system red assembly.

HuhHuh My questions are, if that IC2 is damaged, would the unit succeed in the initial power up check? The circuit lead that went from that bottom right hand corner IC2 and C6, if that is not working, what will such a non connection cause in the system, what isn't going to work? Looking at the circuit diagram for 12 ver 3c, I can see a connection between the IC2 and C5 & 6, but I am not sure if this connection has not been successful with the wire bridge, what issues this will cause to the amp? I am hoping that the board might be right and I will be able to at least connect and test the system but my intention it to carefully construct the replacement PCB 12 ver 3c and use it in the final completed system. I have doubts about IC2 and that wire bridge.



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  Shielding antennas
Posted by: orion_jb2001 - 2015-01-11, 14:39 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (6)

Hi, Is it advisable to shield ferrite antennas which will be going outside?


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Smile Much excitement!!!
Posted by: orion_jb2001 - 2015-01-10, 10:51 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

Well the kit has arrived safe and well from Germany Smile. I will do an inventory of the parts tonight and hopefully if all goes well, we will have a new reporting station in northern New South Wales, Australia, by the end of next week...... Smile LightningLightning

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  Adding AS3935 board
Posted by: jrm30655 - 2015-01-07, 02:09 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (4)

Has anyone run one of these chips in a controller board?

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