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Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics
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2024-12-18, 18:35
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White page chrome android
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2024-11-29, 08:44
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Are there any hams on thi...
Forum: General Discussion
Last Post: cutty
2024-11-28, 13:34
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Buying a station / kit. A...
Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics
Last Post: Tecsol
2024-11-27, 04:47
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Schematics for hardware
Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics
Last Post: Meteolei
2024-11-20, 16:19
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Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics
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2024-11-19, 12:27
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Cloud Dynamics and Lightn...
Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics
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2024-11-14, 06:21
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Differtent Forum Software
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2024-11-10, 19:09
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Buying a blue system
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2024-10-27, 07:17
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Lightning block not showi...
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2024-10-15, 18:55
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First Station in Philippines |
Posted by: RPH - 2014-08-11, 17:34 - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (12)
Hello dear Blitzortung.org participants and weather enthusiast,
I want to Setup the first Blitzortung.org station in my home country, the Philippines. Should I order the latest Hardware for system red from Egon in Germany or from another source, maybe from the USA? Since I am in Germany most of the time it would be probably faster to get the set in Germany?
I have read that Egon was on vacation until end of july and that new pcb's had to be reordered. What is the easiest and fastest way to get a complete system red kit? Did the new pcb boards arrive already?
Hilferuf an den Admin |
Posted by: Dee - 2014-08-11, 17:18 - Forum: Non-English
- Replies (13)
Hallo lieber Foren Admin,
mein Foren Account benötigt eine Freischaltung zum Stationsbetreiber.
Ich kann aber derzeit keine E-Mail an den Admin senden, da ich keine Forenrechte dazu besitze, daher mein Hilferuf hier.
Danke im voraus
complete controller kit and GPS module |
Posted by: Radecky - 2014-08-11, 08:56 - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (1)
We are interesting install blitzortung station in our location. We are a company that provides internet for local peoples, we have a lot of objects constant access to the internet and backup power supply where it is possible to install equipment. If anyone have a complete module to return us or sell it please let us know. Officcial blitzourtung equipment is sold out. Our location is Olesnica near Wroclaw / Poland.
Regards, Radek.
Why firmware is not open-source? |
Posted by: EugeneF - 2014-08-10, 22:07 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics
- Replies (2)
Why the firmware for the receiving stations is not open source? I think it is not safe. The point is - you suggest us to buy and install at our home some hardware "black box", witch is receiving something broadband from the air, process it by the unknown way, and send it to the internet via closed protocol. And the controller board even have a built-in microphone! How can we be shure, that your device does only what it supposed to do, and does not do anything else in the background? Maybe capturing mobile phone transmissions, maybe police or military radio communications, maybe everything heard by the microphone... Of course most probably it is not true, bat maybe. Just maybe... Especially after all that Snouden revelations and so on... It turns out, it is only a matter of trust, and it is not good.
In such cases, out of respect for your users, usual solution is distributing the open-source software, which anybody who familiar with programming can check and make shure that it is "clean" and work properly. And closed sources arise suspicions, that you have something to hide... Are you?
Wrong Position on Lightningmaps |
Posted by: Peter.Altschul - 2014-08-10, 16:05 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications
- Replies (1)
Why is the Station-Position on Lightningmaps about 3km wrong? on "blitzortung.org" they are correct, also on my controller. On the lightningmaps, my homestation is shown about 3km in direction 120°.
see also the station 1090 and 914 in the "lac leman" near Lausanne, certainly not installed in the "lac leman"
Costs of contributing as a school project? |
Posted by: Martin G7MRV - 2014-08-10, 09:50 - Forum: General Discussion
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My local school is looking for projects to become involved in for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), as my son is at the school, and I am known to be in the broadcasting industry, I have been asked for interesting and suitable ideas,
I think contributing to this project would be a very exciting and valuable choice for the school, especially as I note that our area (Yorkshire, Northern England) is very poorly covered!
I have enquired about the availability of kits, and am, like many others, awaiting news. But, something I dont know is what are the costs involved? Particularly, how much does the standard, full, kit cost?
Also, does the project have any special support in place for school involvement in the project?
Posting videos on Facebook |
Posted by: MargateSteve - 2014-08-08, 18:04 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications
- Replies (1)
Hi all.
I discovered lightningmaps.org recently and have occasionally posted screen recordings of it on Facebook. Tonight, for the first time, Facebook has rejected the video for copyright infringement.
So my question is, is it ok to post videos taken from lightningmaps or blitzortung. It is just the occasional 15 or so second video when it looks like a storm is heading our way and, to be honest, it has found you a stack of new fans as a dozen or so people at work today were keeping track of it as a result of the video I posted!
I would be grateful if someone could let me know if it is ok to do this?
woher Hardware bekommen |
Posted by: bhubert1978 - 2014-08-07, 15:29 - Forum: Non-English
- Replies (4)
hallo liebes Team und Leser,
ich bin hier seit ein paar Tagen ganz fasziniert von dieser tollen Seite und verfolge sie tagtäglich. Nun habe ich mir überlegt, ich würde gerne bei dem Projekt mitmachen, jedoch anscheinend gibt es keine Hardware mehr. Soweit so gut - ich habe auch schon das PDF bzgl. Manual gelesen - aber trotzdem fehlt mir immer noch irgendwie eine Liste was ich brauche und wie ich es zusammenbauen bzw. löten müsste.
Bin ich nur etwas blind oder habe ich was übersehen? Wer kann mir hierbei helfen. Am besten wäre natürlich ein Komplettpaket, aber wenn es sowas nicht gibt, dann baue ich es auch gerne selbst zusammen - das ist kein Problem (bzw. einer meiner Kumpels die das können).
Wer kann mir helfen solange es noch Sommer ist und die Gewittersaison läuft?
Danke, lg bhubert