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  Dokumentation und Materiallisten
Posted by: oliverr - 2014-08-16, 07:20 - Forum: Non-English - Replies (5)

Hallo Forum,

ich vermisste hier auf Blitzortung.org die Dokumentation des Systems und der Platinen und deren Stücklisten für die Materialbestellung. (Und wenn sie doch da sind, finde ich sie nicht.)

Ich habe nämlich die Platinen von Egon bekommen und suche gerade die Stücklisten. Dadurch das ich sie hier nicht gefunden habe, habe ich mal G.... benutzt und da auch was gefunden, aber es würde schon besser hier auf Blitzortung passen und nicht im Internet verteilt sein.

Wäre super entweder einen Bereich direkt auf Blitzortung.org machen oder hier im Forum.

Danke und Grüße,

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  Earthquake detection network
Posted by: baudeagle - 2014-08-14, 05:46 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

New here - Hope this is the correct place to post this idea.

I am impressed with the lightning detection network that your group has developed. From what I briefly read and understand, the lightning is triangulated by using a time on arrival to sensors at known locations. Taking this application a bit further, could a similar type of system/network be utilized as a earthquake detection/alert system?

I saw this story on NPR about earthquake detection /early warning systems (1) and now California is going to start spending some money to have these installed (2). This got me to thinking about this lightning detection network that you have collectively set up. Would it be possible to set up something similar like this (3) or (4) using your backbone of lightning detection (but forked independently) as the basis for a early warning system? Maybe this could be open-sourced and or crowd-sourced and receive some of the funding from (2). Homemade earthquake detectors appear to be reasonable in price and affordable to build (5) or (6). These could then work together in a similar manner as for lightning detection sending out text message alerts/warnings (7) when a certain number of stations detect seismic P-waves.

From what I understand, a couple of seconds of advanced warning before an earthquake hits will save a lot of lives.

(1) - Early waring earth quake detection system: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story...=113877510
(2) - Funding of Earthquake detection system: http://www.govtech.com/state/Earthquake-...nding.html
(3) - Earthquake network through Stanford: http://qcn.stanford.edu/
(4) - USGS Earthquake warning system: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/research/earlywarning/
(5) - Build an earthquake detector: http://www.instructables.com/id/Earthquake-Detector-1/
(6) - Build a Seismometer: http://www.instructables.com/id/This-Sei...is-no-toy/
(7) - Public Alert system: http://www.fema.gov/integrated-public-al...ing-system

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Posted by: Bonzo - 2014-08-13, 19:34 - Forum: Non-English - Replies (2)


ich habe jetzt viel gelesen, bin mir aber in einem Punkt noch unsicher, weil ich in der
FAQ was über eine 'serielle Verbindung' gelesen habe... Daraus ergeben sich doch
noch einige Fragen:

Gehe ich recht in der Annahme, dass das mit der seriellen Verbindung noch das alte
System betrifft und dass das System "Red" vollkommen autark arbeitet, also keinen
heimischen Computer erfordert sondern die Antennen und das GPS System direkt mit
dem WAN (über den heimischen Router) verbindet? Den "Tracker" benötige ich also
für "Red" nicht? So verstehe ich "Rechnerloser Betrieb".

Dann habe ich was von Rückkanal gelesen, der den Antennenverstärker steuert (Gain Control).
Ist es denn entsprechend nötig hierfuer einen Port am heimischen Router zu öffnen?

Kann ich weiterhin davon ausgehen, dass man das System aufbauen, programmieren, betreiben
und warten kann ohne einen Windows PC zu nutzen? Ich habe nämlich keinen solchen und nutze
ausschliesslich Linux (Debian & Flavours)

Ist das Flashen der Firmware mittlerweile über ein Webinterface möglich?

Netten Gruss
- Jürgen -

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  Contribution for central/southern Europe part
Posted by: blueone - 2014-08-13, 18:35 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (4)


I am one of the fresh enthusiasts following http://www.lightningmaps.org/realtime?lang=en and http://www.blitzortung.org for few months now. I read crucial infromation on this project, read the official document, whole 95 pages Smile...
I have computer skills, but electronics and soldering is not my cup of tea, glass of beer, ....

I noticed there is a hold on HW distribution. When available, I would like to buy one set, already assembled that is and set up one additional input point somewhere around this coordinates: 45°59.7"N 14°36'"E.

Best regards
Matt N.

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  300 mhz
Posted by: Einar - 2014-08-13, 14:54 - Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics - Replies (1)

(2014-08-13, 11:54)RichoAnd Wrote: If you are surrounded by electric fences, has an automatic mower with cables around the lawn, or other strong sources of noise in the area 3-150KHz, maybe your place is not optimal - here you have to ask first.

I hooked up a WB ferrite antenna to the scope and could see a couple of strong signals around 300KHz in the FFT view.I believe them to be DGNSS Gothenburg and Færder (DGPS stations). I assume these will be well taken care of by the LPF in the amplifiers?

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  The FAQ will close
Posted by: mweidig - 2014-08-13, 11:57 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (10)

Hello, is there any action to take the content of the Site www.faq-blitzortung.org to this site, because the Faq will close at September 14? It would be sad if the Content will be lost.


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  Could This Technology Be Adapted To Real Time Meteor Detection?
Posted by: Magmatech - 2014-08-13, 07:10 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (2)

Just curious... could this technology be adapted to real time meteor detection?
Would there be a way to modify the design to be able to track a meteor, and its
trajectory/path of decent? What a great way to find suspected impacts from those
that survive entry. Also would be a great tool to see in real time the meteors as they
hit the atmosphere and burn up, and pin point location and trajectory just like you are
pin pointing lightning strikes with an array of listening and gps sites.

How it works...

Actual live feed of meteors entering the atmosphere...

Let me know..
Thanks Rick

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  First Station in Philippines
Posted by: RPH - 2014-08-11, 17:34 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (12)

Hello dear Blitzortung.org participants and weather enthusiast,

I want to Setup the first Blitzortung.org station in my home country, the Philippines. Should I order the latest Hardware for system red from Egon in Germany or from another source, maybe from the USA? Since I am in Germany most of the time it would be probably faster to get the set in Germany?
I have read that Egon was on vacation until end of july and that new pcb's had to be reordered. What is the easiest and fastest way to get a complete system red kit? Did the new pcb boards arrive already?



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  Hilferuf an den Admin
Posted by: Dee - 2014-08-11, 17:18 - Forum: Non-English - Replies (13)

Hallo lieber Foren Admin,

mein Foren Account benötigt eine Freischaltung zum Stationsbetreiber.
Ich kann aber derzeit keine E-Mail an den Admin senden, da ich keine Forenrechte dazu besitze, daher mein Hilferuf hier.
Danke im voraus


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  complete controller kit and GPS module
Posted by: Radecky - 2014-08-11, 08:56 - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

We are interesting install blitzortung station in our location. We are a company that provides internet for local peoples, we have a lot of objects constant access to the internet and backup power supply where it is possible to install equipment. If anyone have a complete module to return us or sell it please let us know. Officcial blitzourtung equipment is sold out. Our location is Olesnica near Wroclaw / Poland.

Regards, Radek.

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