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Help understanding the ma...
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Last Post: cutty
2024-12-23, 01:45
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2024-12-18, 18:35
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2024-11-29, 08:44
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Are there any hams on thi...
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2024-11-28, 13:34
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Buying a station / kit. A...
Forum: Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics
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2024-11-27, 04:47
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Schematics for hardware
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2024-11-20, 16:19
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2024-11-19, 12:27
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Cloud Dynamics and Lightn...
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2024-11-14, 06:21
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Differtent Forum Software
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2024-11-10, 19:09
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Cables needed for System Blue |
Posted by: MDMD - 2016-04-23, 13:06 - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (7)
After years of fascinated watching real time lightning data on the Blitzortung website, I'm interested in operating a Sytem Blue lightning detection site.
I'm aware that Sytem Blue still is in development. Because I currently renovate our house, it would be much easier, if I could install the cables needed for Sytem Blue now.
Could anyone please specify which cables are needed between antenna/(pre-)amplifier and gps antenna mounted in an attic and the control unit, which should be installed in the basement?
Thx Martin
Looking to setup a new station near Barcelone |
Posted by: VLorz - 2016-03-31, 15:51 - Forum: General Discussion
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Hi All,
I've been looking all around blitzortung.org but can't manage to find how I could acquire the hardware for setting up a new station in a city near by Barcelone (spain). I spend 100% of my time developing, assembling and programming custom hardware of almost any complexity so it will be no problem at all if I have to assemble and setup all things to get it to work.
How could I acquire the kit? Thanks a lot in advance.
Best regards, Victor
earth ellipsoid - smallest number of stations |
Posted by: RiePa - 2016-03-27, 17:22 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications
- Replies (4)
caused by working with "mds" and station numbers given by raw TOA material I wondered about two questions:
1) The network uses GPS to determine the location of a station and to provide them with a precise timestamp.
But in what way is the earth approximated as an ideal spheric?
Could it be that the network uses the WGS-84 ellipsoid like e.g. aviation does?
2) Looking for the smallest number of stations required I got the following values:
Europe 12
America 11
Oceania 7
(Indeed I am quite sure only six or seven stations were needed a couple of years ago concerning Europe.)
In what way did/ does the smallest required number of stations change, concerning the three regions?
best regards
and thanks for your time...
Proposed station for northern Queensland, Australia |
Posted by: nerd65 - 2016-03-27, 04:41 - Forum: General Discussion
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In common with many others I'm eagerly awaiting the release of the System Blue units. I'd like to set up a station in northern Queensland, Australia. I have a fast stable Internet connection and have the technical ability to carry out any construction or installation as required. Whilst there are stations in southern Australia, northern Queensland is a data void area and a station here should increase the network's sensitivity to flashes in the south west Pacific/Australasian area.
definition Europe/ North America |
Posted by: RiePa - 2016-03-11, 15:46 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications
- Replies (5)
due to the growing number of stations all over the world I wondered how the corner points of "Europe" and "North America" - especially concerning the raw data provided - are defined.
Could it be that the coordinates are given by the maps (-> Real Time Maps --> Europe/ North America)?
best regards
and thanks for your time...
accuracy of the network |
Posted by: RiePa - 2016-02-23, 19:20 - Forum: Website, Maps and Applications
- Replies (5)
Dealing with raw data I wondered how accurately the whole system (especially concerning Europe) is working.
When downloading raw data the coordinates are given with an accuracy of five or six decimal places. Calculating worst case scenario (a stroke being detected on the equator) the maximum deviation would be calculated as following:
5 decimal places: +- 55,5 m
6 decimal places: +- 5,5 cm
(The stroke was detected in a circle with +- x metres round the given position.)
I do not think the network is able to calculate positions of strokes with this accuracy, can it?
Secondly I wondered about the deviation parameter "mds" descibed as giving the maximum deviation in nanoseconds. Am I right this value refers to the stroke´s timestamp given at the beginning of each line? But in what way does this affect the position of the stroke?
(Could it be the radius of the circle is calculated by multiplying the deviation "mds" with c = 299 792 458 m/s?)
best regards
and thanks for your time...