2016-05-31, 16:13
Hello Egon, i think i will join the club, Projekt looks interesting and Reminds me on Safecast, wich iam interested to,
just a short Question the orders page looks like a picture, i cant to some adjustments there, blocked until all 30 boxes in Quenge are finished?
or can i send u an Email because i dont have Paypal and favor the paymentsystem wich is normal in Germany, like Deutsche Bank EC ...
i did such el. work is long ago, so this projekt shurly will remind me on some old long time not used skills and tools, because i beleve in such groundwork for the benefit of all humankind.
btw for the posts as we are all not know if this is the native speaking, just remind urself the other could be also not native to it,
and we are all humans, with errors, allways expect a good guy on the other side, wich may missinterpret some Words..
allways remember we cant see us and something wich sounds arrogant would only a misstyping, or missinterpretation without the blink of the eye ;-)
i myself cant imagine how much work needs to be done for what egon and the others spend they privat time, as i look on the safecast Projekt u even have to to this work all urself without help if ur far from Japan..
and they still only have the old Documentation online wich is now 4 Years old, and newer better stuff is on the street.. Egon and the others do a great work, and if u read all the how to do´s hand how to get the stuff things, u dont even imagine the work wich is behind it.
Doing the electronic part, buy and build up needs alot of time, and i know for my self how much work that is, putting everything online building up a good documentation, Challanging others on the Forum all this is normaly done by many people, so keep in mind he has alot to do, and u can easyly loose days and weeks just by reading the forum Posts and answer them.. And Egon keep up ur doing a very good job wich is normaly done by many people, dont get frustrated allways keep the fun on this Projekt
just a short Question the orders page looks like a picture, i cant to some adjustments there, blocked until all 30 boxes in Quenge are finished?
or can i send u an Email because i dont have Paypal and favor the paymentsystem wich is normal in Germany, like Deutsche Bank EC ...
i did such el. work is long ago, so this projekt shurly will remind me on some old long time not used skills and tools, because i beleve in such groundwork for the benefit of all humankind.
btw for the posts as we are all not know if this is the native speaking, just remind urself the other could be also not native to it,
and we are all humans, with errors, allways expect a good guy on the other side, wich may missinterpret some Words..
allways remember we cant see us and something wich sounds arrogant would only a misstyping, or missinterpretation without the blink of the eye ;-)
i myself cant imagine how much work needs to be done for what egon and the others spend they privat time, as i look on the safecast Projekt u even have to to this work all urself without help if ur far from Japan..
and they still only have the old Documentation online wich is now 4 Years old, and newer better stuff is on the street.. Egon and the others do a great work, and if u read all the how to do´s hand how to get the stuff things, u dont even imagine the work wich is behind it.
Doing the electronic part, buy and build up needs alot of time, and i know for my self how much work that is, putting everything online building up a good documentation, Challanging others on the Forum all this is normaly done by many people, so keep in mind he has alot to do, and u can easyly loose days and weeks just by reading the forum Posts and answer them.. And Egon keep up ur doing a very good job wich is normaly done by many people, dont get frustrated allways keep the fun on this Projekt